Monday, December 30, 2019

The Responsibility of Parenting in Preventing Violence...

The Responsibility of Parenting in Preventing Violence instead of the Media In the past few years, media violence has increased on television, in turn bringing inevitable resistance from concerned parents. What they dont stop to think about is that maybe the media is not the only area to blame. Parents are to blame when children are subjected to violence in the media, because it is due to an undedicated parent, not a careless network or radio station. Taking Aim, by Wendy Mellillo states, While research indicates that viewing violence can cause aggression, studies conclude that the leading determinant of violent behavior is upbringing. Predictably,†¦show more content†¦(Cutler) On the other, we cant invade homes where one persons expression is offensive to the other. More and more, the upbringing of the children depends upon the parents, and not government regulations. As of now, throughout the country, numerous conservative groups are strongly against violence on television. It seems a few take aims at a different target, which is the parents, and ways they can better communicate with their children about violence. The majority of them are too quick to point the finger at the government and media. It is a fact that children subjected to violence can reflect with bad attitudes, ill tempers, and aggressive behavior. A statement by the North Carolina PTA shows just this: More than 30 years of research has shown that excessive TV watching by children can interfere with the development of intelligence, thinking skills, an imagination; it can slow down the development of reading and speaking skills; it can slow down the development of reading and speaking skills; it can cultivate violent or aggressive behavior; and may even contribute to ADD/ADHD. (N. Carolina PTA) I do believe that it is the parents responsibility to keep a close eye on their children, and I can understand how violence in the media can make this a difficult task. Parents should not expect media violence to disappear, and for now, should deal with the violence directly. ItShow MoreRelatedEssay on We Must Reduce School Violence647 Words   |  3 PagesThe focus of American schools these days have so changed from the â€Å"basics† of teaching children to read, write and do arithmetic. Instead of just being an academic institution that is entrusted with teaching our children skil ls that would enable then to be intelligent contributing members of society, the schools are now looked at as â€Å"extensions of the community†. 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